Monday, February 24, 2014

Dating Advice For The Ladies of L.A.

Horoscopes? You won’t be needing them.
Match-dot-com profiles? Don’t bother reading 'em
Everything you have to know, by far
You’ll find out by watching him drive his car

Does he cut people off? Does he drive too fast?
Would he rather die than arrive somewhere last?
When moving over, does he use his blinker?
Or is he, instead, a lane-weaving stinker?

Does he reply to texts at a four-way stop?
Is he hands-free only if he sees a cop?
Does he use the parking lane to pass?
Does he tailgate old ladies like a horse’s ass?

Does he treat La Brea like a lane at the races?
And when he parks: does he take up two spaces?
When he sees a pedestrian, does he grant right-of-way
Or step on the gas, churning up gravel spray?

You want to find out who’s the real hottie?
Don’t meet up for a Starbucks latté
Better to propose an afternoon drive
And if you’re lucky enough to come back alive—

You’ll see many of your concerns don’t matter
Be he tall or short, well-built or fatter
You won’t fail if you base your intuition
On what happens when his key’s in the ignition

Even if it feels like you’ve looked the world over
For a guy who can afford lease payments on a Range Rover
I’ll tell you what’s important, from where I sit:
It’s not what he drives, but how he drives it.

Monday, February 10, 2014


The pictures of you on your date night are sweet
The snaps of your summer vacation? A treat
I’ll tolerate shots of your dog or your cat
And your kids are adorable—there’s always that

But another dumb Instagram of what you’re eating and drinking—
I’ve got just one question: What are you thinking?
This important fact might take some of you by surprise:
Our lives are no better having viewed your beer and cheese fries

I’m sure that crab sushi is really delicious
But unless you handrolled it yourself, be judicious
That pretty Mojito, that dewy gin & tonic?
They give me a headache that’s verging on chronic

Food-photo posters often fall into two camps:
The stunt eaters and drinkers, or the abstinence champs
A third category is also worthy of mention:
Those who cook to cry out for cyber-attention

Some of you evangelize what others have forsaken
Whether it’s chocolate or booze, deep-fried Snickers or bacon
Then there are those who’ve restricted your diet
You’ve baked gluten-free muffins? Great—now, be quiet.

It starts innocently, with brownies, or umbrella drinks
But soon, it’s a 2:00 a.m. chili dog from Pink’s
When we compulsively post pictures of what we’ll put in our guts
There’s a name for that; here it is: ‘Facebook Food Sluts’

I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t fallen prey, too
What can I say? I make a photogenic beef stew
But next time I have the urge to whip out my iPhone
I’m hoping I’ll have the strength to leave you alone

Because unless your waiter has set a whole pig on fire
There’s not much there to see that your “friends” need admire
If it’s your birthday or wedding, sure, show us that cake
But if not? Put that camera down, for God’s sake!